Отосланные письма : 21785
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Taigi, šiandien rugpjūčio 2 diena. Sėdžiu darbe, nuobodu, dar manęs čia niekas nepasveikino, baisu, kad pyragai nesurugtų nuo karščio. Kaip gyvenu ? Sunku priprasti prie darbo ritmo,...

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In October: I love Beyoncé, I like to eat with my friends, I hate to do my homerwork, I love to go shopping with my sister, I like to watch TV with my family, I hate to do house work in my...

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hey future me, don’t know why i’m doing this but here i am. right now you’re a freshman @ irvington and it’s nov. 18, 2018. the sunday before thanksgiving break starts. remember?...

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to a recent graduate. i'm sorry you wasted your time on someone whose care and love changed with the phases of the moon. they both came in tides, and sometimes i drowned in how much i cared for...

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Hey Joyce

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