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Dear future self, I hope you are having some great days, The weather is getting colder, so remember to keep your self warm.^o^ It's nearly the piano competition, I wish you good luck!♪(^∇^*)

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Dear everyone, Hope each one of you is in the best of health & living life fully. I wrote this letter back on 18 October, 2011, thinking it will be perfect to point out what the present is like...

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Caitlin I could not have wished for a better person to be with. You bring me a lifetime of joy and happiness, especially when I make you smile. I know right now I am traveling a bit this summer...

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Cuando traes paz para ti, puedes traerla a los demás. Hoy, procúrate un poco de tiempo libre. Ve a tu interior con ayuda de meditación, respiración profunda o lo que sea que te lleva a...

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Привет! Сейчас тебе 14, а на момент письма 13. Я искренне надеюсь,что война закончилась и ты нашла друзей. Верь...

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