Отосланные письма : 21869
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The summer is over and I hope that you have achieved everything that you set out to for your role as OL. I hope that you gained that new perspective, made new friends, and learned more about the...

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Hey there, I set this letter to be delivered 5 years from now.... As I am writing this letter I do not know what the future holds for me, but I hope it will surprise me in a nice way. I hope I...

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Привет это ты из будущего если ты это читаешь то я надеюсь что ты накопил на вр шлем

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Hi, How are you? It's been 3 years I guess and while typing this it saddens me that you left me in pain. To be honest with you I miss you so much today and I still want you back in my life...

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Labas Dariuk, tau rašo Seva iš praeities. šiandien yra 2011.11.02, prieš kelias dienas mes išsiskyrėm ir dėl to man labai gaila... nežinau, kokie mūsų santykiai bus, kai gausi šį...

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