Отосланные письма : 21869
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Labas, Laura ! Šiandien yra 2011.09.26, naktis, ir aš turėčiau rašyti rašinį, bet bet.Tikiuosi, kad šie ateities laiškai nemeluoja ir tu jį tikrai gausi. Beje, dėkoju už šauktuką,...

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Hi Mum and Dad. Just wanted to send you a letter for Christmas from the past. Yes its early for Xmas but is to avoid late delivery. Anyway just wanted to say how much I love you both and how...

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Hello Guy, You\'re awesome dude!

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olamiamol tkm

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Hello future me. I really hope by the time you receive this that you would have made something of yourself. If not, this is a stern reminder to get off your lazy fucking ass and got get it bro....

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