Отосланные письма : 21737
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Dear, My Future Self. Stay fabulous, keep ballin, and never forget Brian.By now you should have a job & be paying 1/2 of your car payment. Ways you could save money is by saving enough for half...

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Hey you, happy birthday. I know you probably forgot you wrote this letter, hopefully so it will be a nice surprise haha. Well I just wanted to remind you to never give up on your dreams. You're...

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Hey future me What's your favorite part of sixth grade? My favorite part of 6th grade right now is my friends. My friends are lily, kaleigh, katie, nex, zai, ailyn, annali and a few more. My...

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Labas Neringa. Šiandieną yra pirma diena kai grįžai iš Švedijos į Lietuvą :) Matau sunku yra, ir atrodo, kad viskas krenta iš rankų, tačiau tu nepergyvenk ir atmink apie Stylish facial...

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hey future lana, how are you? how's school? have you kept your promises? do you still look at him like he hung the stars to your sky? or have you learned that all that brightness has long since...

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