Labas, Mama,
rašau tau iš praeities :)Šiandien yra 2012 metų rugpjūčio 22 diena. Už mūsų biuro lango šviečia saulutė. Noriu tave į ateitį pasveikinti su Motinos diena :) Labai tave...
i am the happiest person in the world : )
Hey its me - or you ?
Gary Richard Morris - DOB 13-06-1974
The date is 19/12/2010
If this is not me then - Hello and why are YOU in my house - haha.. be interesting to know what happened already...
Сейчас я все какашки съем мммм какашечки мммм пуки каки пуки каки
dear me, I hope you do good in life and hopefully you get to go into boxing and get a nice family and a bulldog and a great job me. also do they have time machines in the future. can you make a...