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Hey you, When I was writing this letter, you just started your first day of the Day Zero project. You were very excited and motivated. The first thing you decided to cross off your list was to...

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su gimtadieniu MODY!!

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Ro 01.02.2017 ore 00:18 Cara Dona, mi chiedevo se hai realizzato i sogni che ogni giorno pensavi é desideravi. Chissà dove sei? É con chi sei? Sicuramente hai realizzato i tuoi sogni, ci...

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Q: How will you know that you have been successful in this role by the end of the summer? What will that look like? I will know that I have been successful in my role as an OL by the end of...

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Dear future Liam im in English class and it is 12:48. Had my bday a couple of days ago i got bunch of money hope your still getting heaps of money for you birthday in year 12 im in year 7 right now...

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