Отосланные письма : 21806
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šlikti ir pasibaigus DE. Norėtųsi turėti mažiau priešų, o daugiau žmonių, kuriems nereikia aiškinti higienos ar bazinių dalykų. Dėl to ateinančiais metais galėtume tapti labiau...

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Dear Future, Hi, How are you? Well its your birthday, Happy birthday future. I hope you have job now. Do you remember the period when you had no job and you rejected the job offer of...

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So here i am at 9pm writing this letter kasi my papi na jowa got sad na yung letter awhile ago na i sent for him will be received next year pa. To start with this, let me tell u some thought...

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Dear future self, Where ever you are, whoever you are, and whoever you are with, I truly and honestly wish you are happy. Right at this moment, I am not in the best place of my life. I am in a...

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