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Hi Mahal, Oh diba, hopeful kaayo ang greeting nga kita pa jud one year after I type this email. Hihihi! I'm sending this today because I've been missing you so much. I know you don't like...

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Dear future me, how are you?I hope you are happy with your family. Have you found your passion?I mean your education that you interested in your future?I think now you are study about...

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Vineeth Noble, an experienced artist of the country passes away at the age of 43. He has sadly taken his own life at his home the previous day. The individual was a promising young man in the...

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Dear the Intelligent Miss Katrina Faith Wiegand, By this time next year you will have found yourself in a new and more prosperous situation whether be it with money & job. Right now i am...

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Hey there dearJ. Hope everything's okay with you and your family and that you're having a blast running your own company and inspiring millions of people all over the world. Just wanted to...

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