الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21869
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الأكثر شعبية
Sipping green tea rn. I seriously doubt your feeding choices....it isn't tasty at all. Not the point. See you may think ke I'm all lovey-dovey all the time and that this is how I AM all the time....

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Hi Babe! Happy one year! I stumbled upon this awesome website tonight and figured that I would send you a letter on our one year (assuming that we are still together and you don\'t hate me [which...

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50$ или 50 юаней

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I made this thank you note for u. Dear Bayu. Thank you for having me and staying with all my annoying things for the last 2 years. Thank you for stay healthy and keep your hard work in any kind...

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Heya, my this is your ole\' future self aka Misha writing to you now! It\'s April Fool\'s day currently, and it\'s been really, really exciting. Let\'s forget the fact that everything consisted of...

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