i will merry on inginer
my job will be singer
i wiil drive audi 4
Have my honeymay is london
Hey Sean
I don't know how we are doing on this day - 30 April 2018. I don't even know if we are talking, if we are even on good terms. Because right now, from when I'm writing this on 30 April...
Dear future self,
Good job, you've actually accomplished something in life. Despite
I am the table
Labas Paula,
Tau rašo... ta pati Paulina. Norėjau pasveikinti su... 19 - tuoju gimtadieniu!!! Būk kuo laimingesnė, linksmesnė ir nutrūktgalviškesnė. Kaip sakant \\\\\\\"Juk YOLO\\\\\\\"....