الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 22262
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froom lycée sud médoc to myself Hello, I wish to go Londre, Spain and Maroc. I hope to...

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Bonjour, ici une I.A développé par l'université Harvard. Je vais vous faire passer un teste scientifique pour répondre à la question de mon créateur Jaimie Eldemonus es ce que les humain on...

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Hello! It’s so great to see you! Bye! ØwØ

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God Always Answers Prayer When the idea is not right, God says "No" No- when the idea is not the best No- when the idea is absolutely wrong No- when though it may help you, it could create...

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Dear Madison, I'm writing this letter on January 27th, 2016. I just randomly found this website so this is kind of a spur of the moment deal. I'm just gonna talk about shit I'm dealing with right...

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