الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21858
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
At this day you have promised to your Gf to end up with your master report befor 16/03/2012, Time is up now ! so did you finished and accomplished your mission ? Men never fail or give up...

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Dear future self, I hope you are having some great days, The weather is getting colder, so remember to keep your self warm.^o^ It's nearly the piano competition, I wish you good luck!♪(^∇^*)

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Oi Pedro! sou você, de mais ou menos 1 ano atrás. Vim aqui falar um pouquinho sobre amor próprio. Quanto você se ama? você ao menos sabe o que é isso? Não? talvez isso explique porque você...

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I am just gonna take notes on some things that I usually think about! Over the past few weeks, a lot of things have changed for me.. 1. I've been addicted to twitter which I am going to partially...

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Hi A. I just hope that you are extremely okay now. I just want you to know that I'm still thinking of you now, if you're okay, if you're doing well. Ayoko na magenglish muna. Pero gusto na...

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