Sveika šeimynėle,
jei gavote šį laišką, turėtų būti praėję 10 metų po jo parašymo. Taigi Jums rašo Jūsų 20-metė dukra, sesuo :)
Nežinau kaip dažnai Jums sakau "myliu", bet...
Hey future self! You'll probably you forgot you wrote this, because i'll probably forget in 5 minutes. You just wrote one of these in English class, filled with a bunch of random stuff. I think you...
Dear Joey,
Well pretty much I have mad $w@GgGY right now. Its my sophomore year and I am 5 foot 8 and weigh 140 pounds. My best friends are Matty Allert, Aviv Peretz, and Gj Lockhart. My...
Let's see how this project will be doing in a year time!
Good luck ;)
YOU DID IT!! You made it to your 19th Birthday! yay!! Now its time to talk. DANNY. Those 5 letters haunt you, just say it's true. What happened? Why? Why didn't you try? Or was it him? I hope your...