الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21806
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الأكثر شعبية
I think its time to stop this feeling and a relationship that only me still remember. Every sing time t think about him, every single time i feel bad about myself. Its the fking sign dont u...

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I doubt that we will still be at this address in 2020, but Codi. I hope that you somehow see this, be it we are somehow still together, or somehow apart. I hope to marry you in the near future once...

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Hello Shyal, this is Shyal from one year ago. Hopefully we are still in college. As of right now, you are in your room on your computer in your general studies class and writing this letter as an...

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08/01/2012 Hey Mummy, So you'll probably be living on your own right now and you have twenty-something children. Hopefully, your arthritis hasn't made you too ill and that you're not actually...

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