الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21837
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
Dear FutureMe, Sami went to another school starting this year, Leaving me kinda alone. I do have friends, but they're just not the same. I don't know who to hang around at recess, I've just been...

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Dear future me, My favorite part of sixth grade was playing sports.I played softball and soccer and I really enjoyed softball and I really got along with the people on the soccer team except one...

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Dear FutureMe, Today, you're writing this at 2:24 AM. You just finished watching the docu series of BTS entitled Break the Silence. It's a 5 episode series but it felt like it just pierced my...

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Привет совершеналетняя Я! Как дела? То что ты хотела збулось??Как друзья?Сейчас я в 6 классе,хочеться...

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Dear future self: Ten years ago, you lived in a world where it was impossible to escape the media, alongside with marketing and advertising. I do not see any possibilities that there will be any...

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