الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21806
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
Ahoj, Dnes je 8. marca 2013 a tento list by Ťa mal zastihnúť na tvoje 30-te narodeniny. Drahé moje budúce ja, práve si sa rozhodovala či dať preč Tvoje milované mačičky Ceylan a...

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Cara me, ricorda: non conta quanti errori fai, conta farli a volte.

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Firstly give each other a kiss considering you brushed your teeth as it smells like someone broke in last night and took a shit in your mouth... Hows the kid/s? pretty certain you\'re going to...

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Dear Future Carla, i hope that today you are the person you always set out to be. i hope you accomplished everything that they said you could never do. how many lives do you change in a day? do...

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Dear future me, I know life has been a pain in the ass, but think about all the good times you shared with your family and friends! Even though there were more good moments with friends than...

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