الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21837
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
Q: How will you know that you have been successful in this role by the end of the summer? What will that look like? I will know that I have been successful in my role as an OL by the end of...

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You need to stop your fucking self, G. You know it ain't good. Stop, just stop.

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sveikinu su gintadieniu is praeities 2011 09 28

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Ahoj, To jsem já, TY :D je 8.5 2020 6:10 ráno :D když tohle píšu mám kraťasy u kolen :D Doufám, že teď máš holku, prachy a nádherný dítě :D A doufám, že už nejsi v paneláku v...

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Happy Birthday! I am anxious to see where you will be living and how you will be doing. Please give up cherries and wings. Eat more fish and veggies. Help your body! You are in pain. Let...

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