Dear futureme,
apa khabar awak kat sana?masih sihat ke?aku sekarang sihat cuma kadang2 banyak masalah yang timbul waktu ini..dan penyakit paling teruk pernah aku alami adalah penyakit malas..yes...
Ar tai jau atėjo...? Ar pajutai...? Kodėl taip, o ne kitaip...?
Tai juk taip nuostabu...!
Kas aš...? Kas mes...?
Prisimink viską kas yra geriausia, neužmiršk, nepalik, nepabėk......
(DO NOT FORET TO RECORD THIS!!) Dear future self, it's me your old 2016 past self.. so how's life? Are we doing YouTube? How's collage? Are we finished? Did we make it??!? (If yes then BOO...
sveikas Žygi (as), rasau tau is praeities, jei atmintis slubuoja, patikrink svetaine ir suprasi, jog nemeluoju :)
tikiuosi neprasigeriai ir kryptingai sieki savo tikslu, o...
Think back to your childhood days when you were more carefree and everything seemed to come easier. You never worried about impressing the people around you, but rather all that you were concerned...