الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21806
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
Dear Jennifer, This is yourself from the future of 10 years, specifically from April 29, 2013. You should be 25 right now, and I\'m terribly sad because I cannot imagine myself so grown up. I am...

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Como é que é, Pina? Ter 21 anos sucka. Cheguei a uma fase em que a unica pessoa em quem confio, sou eu. Não tenho namorada nem tenho interesse em ter, apesar de me sentir sozinho e sinto...

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Тебе 14, конченная! Я надеюсь, ты бросила её, и больше не ждёшь поздравления. Никогда не режь себя. Никогда.

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Dear Future Estelle If you are reading this you have passed the tests past me has set for you. When you are reading this you will be 13-14. I have found that there are things.....creatures...

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Dear me Whats up! By the time you read this you will have grown to be more mature and have a face that is hopefully acne free. I'm really not good with letters, or technically we're not good at...

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