الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21806
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الأكثر شعبية
Hi Natalia , I wonder how you're doing as last time I was with you , you seemed really down and family things weren't as good. You were really annoyed at your mom for talking to that man and...

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50$ или 50 юаней

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I doubt you\'re alive, but if you are then it\'s because you have found love. -Limbo

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Mielas Tautvydai, tu rašo Dominyka :D 2012.12.10. 22:04 aptikau geeeera svetainę, kur galima išsiūsti žinutę į ateitį. Ta prasme dabar rašau laišką,o tu gausi tada, kai nustatysiu...

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dear joe collins in 2021 i hope you still ran that bar you dream about i'll give you some info for your bar Business plan: > bar tending > party's / wedding's / BBQ's / graduations >...

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