Sveika, Laura!
Tau rašo tavo draugė Miglė.. Tikiuosi, dar prisimeni mane ir perskaičiusi šį laišką pulsi ir parašysi man SMS, o gal vėl neturėsi sąskaitos?? :D
Man liko...
Dear FutureMe,
okay , so how you doin ? must be great and i hope you've achieved some of your life goals till now !
so i just watched a movie "interstellar" . It was a fucking great movie with...
You are my calm in the world of chaos
You are my peace in the midst of strife
You are my shore to a shipwrecked soul
You are my bridge to a lifelong goal
You are my finish of an olympic run...
Sveikas. As tau rasau is praeities kuria tu zinai i tavo ateiti kuria as zinau. Tu tapai tokiu kokiu as norejau kad taptum. Sekmingas, pasitikintis savimi, sveikas, atsakingas, pasakiskai...
Heyya bitch . It is I , the rebel 23 years old me ! How ya doing ya old 30 years old wahmen HAHAHA
You deserve so much happiness and love , don't settle...