H3ll0 l0g4n th12 12 4l20 l0g4n 4r3 y0u 2t11l 1nt0 h0m32tuck 0r creepyp42t4 y0u b3tt3r b3 or 1m g0nn4 c0m3 fr0m th3 p42t 4nd m4k3 you l1k3 1t. d0 y0u 2t1ll l12t3n t0 3m1n3m 0r f4ll0ut b0y h4ve...
Dear me
its been 2 years you have finish high-school and either on the drive to your new home or not here to this day if you are heading to Vegas then i wish you luck on the drive you did so...
Dear FutureMe,
And as usual I just said "Shut Up" to smita. It is 00:08 and yet another day has passed leaving a day less for all of us to be together. Though it never mattered in the beginning...
keistas dalykas tas laikas. Imi ir niekaip nesupranti, koks jo tėkmės greitis. Mūsų dveji metai pratekėjo greitai. Jie vis dar teka, bet sakyk man, kodėl vis neatsikratau jausmo,...
24岁了,现在的我还在为考驾照,画画 课,找工作烦恼着。24的我还会有什么 新烦恼吗,希望这些事情能如愿解决