الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21869
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الأكثر شعبية
DRINK TO DAT, BOI. you are 21 years, go do something with your life.

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08/01/2012 Hey Mummy, So you'll probably be living on your own right now and you have twenty-something children. Hopefully, your arthritis hasn't made you too ill and that you're not actually...

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Hi Sneha, This is Naimisha. Hope you still remember me. Right now for me, it's May 28,2015. You are probably back from the Catalina trip in 8th grade right now. Anyway, I will be seeing you...

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How many clients you want to have on September 2021? 3 For how many your income increase? on 200% Which main (small or big) steps I have done to achieve this? I have presented it in...

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Hi, Aidil Junaidi, selamat hari jadi yang ke 23, stay strong stay safe. Keep down to earth walau setinggi bintang di langit, gapailah butiran tanah dibumi kerna engkau asalnya disitu, i love u ♥️

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