الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21869
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
29 March 2020 21:00 Hello there, Beautiful! CONGRATULATIONS on making it up until your 40th! I wonder how are you so different from me now. If life dealt you with so much on your plate,...

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

are you homeless yet? if not you must have found a good job or smthn. anyways ur gonna remember this and think you were emberassing or smthn idk what else to wright

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

Значит так тебе будет где то 20 не ебу В общем и целом, не сы это ты из прошлого в лет так 16 Я надеюсь ты так и...

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

Dear Hon, I am not sure when will you receive this email or what will happen to the two of us after I write this email. I feel sad today that's why I am writing this email. I want to tell you a...

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

I want to be an engineer,i want to get good grades in all the subject i want to read more than 20 books

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

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