Hi,if u didn't get the chance to receive this letter then that only means that u finally did it. But if you're still alive, happy birthday (not like anyone would care), how are you? Are you still...
Hey buddy,
I dunno if you actually remember this, because it has been like three years, but three years ago today, you have written to yourself an email letter into the future, for the sheer fun...
Иди на хуй
Dear (Relative Future) Self,
Congratulations bro, you\'re almost done with college! I can\'t believe I\'m even thinking about that right now, I\'m just on the edge of graduating from high school...
Sveikinu su gimtadieniu :)* :)* :)* :D
Šiais metais 2013.01.22 negalėjau dovanoti tau bučkio , todėl labai tikiuosi kad 2014.01.22 mūsų neskirs toks didelis atstumas ir...