الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21869
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
Hey Chevi!!! So How are you ? Excited Nervous Whatever it is Tommorow is the day The big day Its your exam Or may be day after tomorrow I wrote this 2 months back so I am unaware....

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Dear future maria, I would like you to know that write know is a hard time and it can change everyone's lives in a split second hundreds and thousands of people are dying each day because of the...

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Dear Matt; This is from me a year ago. Hopefully you and Madi are still together. If you aren't, give her a call. She is the best thing to happen to your dumb ass. You should have graduated by...

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Labas, Rašau is 2012 m. gegužės 15 dienos. Vidurnaktis. Sėdžiu apsikrovus lapais: ant stalo, žemės, grindų. Tiek mažai naktų ir dienų liko, o tiek daug perskaityti reikia. Taip,...

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Erm, Hello. I'm writing this because I know you'll appreciate it. I know you'll read every word eagerly and smile. I know you love this type of shit. I know your heart is beating fast and you're...

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