الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21739
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
are you homeless yet? if not you must have found a good job or smthn. anyways ur gonna remember this and think you were emberassing or smthn idk what else to wright

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

May 31, 2020 (day 613) To my favorite person in the world, It's honestly weird yet funny how I always end up typing my letters around 3 - 4 AM. You seriously need to get out of my head...

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

It's okay self... you can make it.. God is with you and does not leave you or even close His eyes on you. He knows that you are going thru what you are going thru right now.... Be at peace self,...

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

Labas pačiam sau nuo pačio saves, čia tu rašai pats sau iš praeities, lygiai prieš 4 metus (2011-10-28). Įdomu kuo tu tapai, ką veiki ir koks esi. O dabar esi vis dar neapsisprendęs...

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Dear future me, I know life has been a pain in the ass, but think about all the good times you shared with your family and friends! Even though there were more good moments with friends than...

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