الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21785
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الأكثر شعبية
Dear Matt; This is from me a year ago. Hopefully you and Madi are still together. If you aren't, give her a call. She is the best thing to happen to your dumb ass. You should have graduated by...

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Ciao gay

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Hi, Sam look I know you already know I like you but I never talk to you....well that's because I'm to shy..I want to talk to you but I can't..and my friend Emely asked you out and she's a cool girl...

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Hello future Max! It's me, Max, only five years younger! I've decided to write you today because I think it will be super cool to have some sort of commemorative time capsule for the future. Today...

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Dear Lika, It is Thursday, 10:20 and there is 40 more minutes left till your pre-last duty with Niki. You were talking about Georgia and you both gave promise that Niki and Keti will visit you...

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