الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 22154
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
من: Jazmin
مكتوب : 18-05-2020
سيتم إرساله : 14-08-2020
Hey you. Happy birthday btw ur 17 years old smh ur old. Today is May 18th, 2020 and you passed your chem exam woohoo I hope you know how to drive or at least have your license by then. Also, have you started dating? cause I sure hope you did or at least met a guy or are currently talking to a guy.Oh and do you still like A*e*a*d*o? or did you get the guy hahah. I don't know man but hope you're doing well mentally and physically. Your current obsessions are Timothee Chalamet, Kian Lawley, Hollywood (bruh best show), Jc Caylen, and well you'll remember. Hope you've gotten a Kian notice as well cause man its been like 2 years since the last one lmao. Alsoooo are you still running friendlykian? I hope you are. Oh and by then hopefully Lany has released their album cause damn.How are Knj and the whole group mentally? I hope their doing well if not check up on them for me please. Lastly, hope life is good. Remember : Oh wells instead of what ifs. Youre a badass. Don't let anyone or anything ruin your happiness in life. You deserve the best. Love ya.. Sorta.
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