الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21806
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
Well, i don't really know what to say besides keep studying and looking over the notes we do in class and also try your best. Always try to smile and be happy as much as possible. Gotta raise that...

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

Hi you! happy december! 10 days to go ;;) <3

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

Dear Future Self, Hi Future Self, I hope you're doing great! I hope you're still playing soccer & are as active as you I am now. I hope you're not as stressed as I am now. Please don't trip...

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

hi gaurav, this is to yourself from 19-07-2016 .you have just completed graduation and about to enter law school.you don't have any idea where yoy will end up in life.you are currently...

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

Dear Me, I am writing this e-mail on June 19th, 2021 and I should be reading this ten years from now. How am I? Do I still have the same Spotify playlist? How big is my Spotify playlist? Have...

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