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abhir from past
Why are people kinder to pretty girls? Because the world is a shallow place. Everyone is shallow. You, me, the next person, anybody and everybody is shallow. We want the best.
Everyone's love is...
Labutis, Ežiukai, jau praėjo 10 metų. Neišsivaizduoju kur dabar gyveni, ką dirbi? Galbūt jau turi namą ant ežero kranto kaip kažkada norėjai ir garažą, kuriame telpa dvi mašinos....
ну привеет ты разобралась с чуствовами ?что подарили?
Dear Santiago in the future one thing to get out of the way is hopefully you have a job now and have all straight A´s and i really wish you found a good spot in life and by then your mature and...