People you've kissed:
Ryan Lee
Will Percy
James Watkins
Harry White
Rob Camm
Tom McGrath
Xander Seddon
Freddie Derbyshire
Lee Wykes
Jesus I must be forgetting people...
There was a boy...
Kaip praėjo ekskursija? Įsikėlė "bitlų" dainos?
Nesvarbu, dabar aš tau papasakosiu kaip tu ruošeisi...
Turėjai neptūno ir limonado buteliuką, sausainių, ir du...
Hey there,
I set this letter to be delivered 5 years from now.... As I am writing this letter I do not know what the future holds for me, but I hope it will surprise me in a nice way. I hope I...
2022 Me,
You graduated high school ten years ago! You did such a great job and learned so much. I hope that you are still an amazing person, I trust you to have done great things by now.
Dearest Ku,
Writing this letter is my attempt to get you out of my system, though honestly, I don't see that happening anytime soon. But I have to try, right? Just as quickly as you ghosted me....