keistas dalykas tas laikas. Imi ir niekaip nesupranti, koks jo tėkmės greitis. Mūsų dveji metai pratekėjo greitai. Jie vis dar teka, bet sakyk man, kodėl vis neatsikratau jausmo,...
Hey Self,
If you are reading this, that means that you are still alive and most likely there are no flying cars yet. Dammit McFly. Currently it is August 15th 2012. You are working as an IT...
Mama ! Čia aš (: tavo vienintelė ir nepakartoama dukra (: Sveikinu Tave su 45 gimtadieniu (: Myliu, bučiuoju (: Linkiu , kad atrodytum taip pat gražiai , kaip 42 :) Nes tiesa, dabar 2012-09-09...
Don\'t forget to send you first class their letters that they wrote themselves in fifth grade. They will be graduating high school this year!