Why are people kinder to pretty girls? Because the world is a shallow place. Everyone is shallow. You, me, the next person, anybody and everybody is shallow. We want the best.
Everyone's love is...
hey fortnite god im guessing fortnite is dead and you dont use your mako anymore im guessing your still single and ready to mingle if not whats your wifes name.. am i gay or straight am i a lawyer...
Egluuže, 2012-10-04
Aaaaaaaa....... Žodžiu ir sužinojai kam man reikėjo tavo adreso, šiap, norėjau parašyt laišką. Nes šiais laikais kai gyvenam pasaulyje kuriame laiškai...
Dear FutureMe,
Wassup Nick its you from high school senior year.
Happy birthday by the way. dont spend it being bored come on your a college man. go get laid... you better not be a virgin...
dear joe collins in 2021
i hope you still ran that bar you dream about i'll give you some info for your bar Business plan: > bar tending
> party's / wedding's / BBQ's / graduations