Labas pačiam sau nuo pačio saves,
čia tu rašai pats sau iš praeities, lygiai prieš 4 metus (2011-10-28). Įdomu kuo tu tapai, ką veiki ir koks esi. O dabar esi vis dar neapsisprendęs...
“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” ~Chinese Proverb
Yes, I had reached the age of 25. Still, I doubted this letter from my past would make...
Hi Swetha,
I really hope you still remember me. You're graduating right? Oh by the way, I'm Naimisha. Your best friend who graduated last year well in 2017 not 2014. I'm writing a letter and right...
Hi, it's Brandon from December 10th, 2011 reminding you that it's been 10 years since Zack, Aaron, Justin, Steven, Sarah, Johnny, Brooke and I buried the time capsule in my backyard. My cousin...
Czesc, pozdrawiam z urodzinami! Wiem ze juz dorosles. Zycze wszystkiego najlepszego!