Hi future me,I hope you're not broke, Did we ever go to Pennsylvania? Did we move there?. I hope chase is still around, so are we still into marine biology? if so are we going to APU? We better...
it's you 1 month ago. I still have my three fish!
Dear me
its been 2 years you have finish high-school and either on the drive to your new home or not here to this day if you are heading to Vegas then i wish you luck on the drive you did so...
Egluuže, 2012-10-04
Aaaaaaaa....... Žodžiu ir sužinojai kam man reikėjo tavo adreso, šiap, norėjau parašyt laišką. Nes šiais laikais kai gyvenam pasaulyje kuriame laiškai...
Hello future me, I hope your freshman year was good and you made new friends. You'll probably look back and think I'm really annoying, but that's okay, because that's a you problem. Also, has the...