Labas mama, sendien yra 2011 metu rugsejo 28 diena. Rasau tau laiska i ateiti nes manau kad tikrai tave nudziuginsiu. Man sendien yra 15 metu oras kaip ir turi buti rudeni sendien buvau grybaut....
Dear Future Me,
Though I am too lazy to learn vocabulary by heart, there are some ways to help media like to listen to music which is sung in English. It makes me easy and relaxes to develop a...
Anh của em,
Lại thêm một bức thư em gửi Nhật mà chẳng biết anh có đọc hay ko :)). Khi anh nhận được bức thư này thì mình cũng đã xa nhau một khoảng...
Dear, Khrystyna, happy birthday!!!!
I don't know how I'm going to be at the moment when I read this latter, but I hope I changed. I did a lot in my life, but not enough: I have a few years of...
Dear future Connor Kennedy, you are a senior now. You have changed so much probably. The first day of freshman year might be a little scary. But since your a senior now you definintly know where...