Rašau tau iš netolimos praeities.Sveikinu su gimimo diena ir linkiu kad visos tavo svajones išsipildytu.
Tavo brolis.
hey lama... well i dont know how to start i cat believe that im insane enough to write myself a letter! but its okay..i wanna remind u of 10th grade, its not bad its fine there is couples of...
Sveika Gerda,
kiek metų prabėgo.. Dabar sėdžiu savo tėvų namuose ir rašau tau šį laišką ir ištikrųjų nežinau, ką noriu tau pasakyti. Man begalo įdomu, kokia tu esi dabar, ko...
Hi,if u didn't get the chance to receive this letter then that only means that u finally did it. But if you're still alive, happy birthday (not like anyone would care), how are you? Are you still...
Dear Madison,
I'm writing this letter on January 27th, 2016. I just randomly found this website so this is kind of a spur of the moment deal. I'm just gonna talk about shit I'm dealing with right...