Taigi su gimtadieniu! :)
Lai gimtadienis gražus kviečia mus visus į šventę
Ir kartu palieka mus su jaunyste gražia.
Tai diena kada mes prmą kartą pamatėme pasaulį,
Tai pati...
Hey Klo,
How ya doing haha.
I hope you have a puppy by now. I should believe that you are still single! Hehe we did promise that we would only entertain those by 26. So don't go off...
24岁了,现在的我还在为考驾照,画画 课,找工作烦恼着。24的我还会有什么 新烦恼吗,希望这些事情能如愿解决
დღეს დედას და მამას ქორწინებიდან 25 წელი გავიდა Feeling hopeful, მინდა რომ კიდევ...
Dear Future Self,
Hi Future Self, I hope you're doing great! I hope you're still playing soccer & are as active as you I am now. I hope you're not as stressed as I am now. Please don't trip...