Dear future self,
Good job, you've actually accomplished something in life. Despite
Today I'm here in Saudi Arabia, Working in a medium organisation (Industrial Technology company Ltd - Jubail). I don't even I will be alive when I get this letter.
I'm earning 6000SAR per month...
Sveika, tikiuosi esi tokia pat graži ir jauna, kaip ir šį 2011 m. rugsėjo 20 d. vakarą :). Per šiuos metus daug kas tavo gyvenime pasikeitė -išsipildė pačios didžiausios svajonės... Tu...
Dear, Yuritza
I'm making this letter on May 25, 2023 for my Social Psychology class. We decided that we could put any date for when we want to get this and I'm gonna do May 25, 2025. I'm most...