Labas mama, sendien yra 2011 metu rugsejo 28 diena. Rasau tau laiska i ateiti nes manau kad tikrai tave nudziuginsiu. Man sendien yra 15 metu oras kaip ir turi buti rudeni sendien buvau grybaut....
Hello Mam,
It's seren from 2012.
I'm doing this letter2future thing so hopefully you will get this on your 30th birthday in 2015,
(You'll most probably get this a week later from your...
Dear Ali,
Hai Ali, Apa kabar kamu? Today is your 25th Birthday. How's life? Are you finding your happiness? Aku inget setahu lalu aku dari pagi udah nyiapin diriku buat datang ke bintaro...
Dear me,
Ilike football,tennis and handball.I love videos games FIFA or BATTLEFIELD.I like to listen to musics of 50 Cent or Eminem and Young Thug. My favourite movie is "La Ligne Verte".I like...
Dear Future me,
Time past very fast, now I’m already a third grades senior high school student. Nowadays of me, just keep preparing for commencement examination. After the school, I’ll go to...