Net neįsivaizduoju ar tave pasieks šis laiškas ar neįsivaizduoju ar tebebus tavo namas ant žemės.. ir tuo labiau ar gyvensi toje vietoje.
rašau laišką į...
Hi. This is weird. Like always. Saulė. Šalta. Spalvos. Pilka. Muzika. Nostalgija. Nuovargis. Annoyence. Pain. Emptyness. Klausimas. I'm so unsure. I want to do things right. They don't work. 5...
Hey asshole:)
how are you? Its another one of those write a letter too yourself. Feelin smart yet? have you gotten that lil piece of paper that says you pass? Have you been playing that stupid...
Hi Afra, it's me. I'm currently 15 years old, it is April 13th 2020 at 12:44 am. I'm sitting at my desk in my pyjamas, with my dédi blanket on my lap. Today/yesterday I guess was Easter Sunday. I...