Day 528
So as I said I can send you a letter. haha. ^^ Here it is!
Hope you are okay. :) I am not good at writing letters, so sorry. :c
I love your blog very much!
Stay beautiful.
Bye. xoxo
Gyveni abejonėse, bet nebijok jos praeis ir pamatysi save po keturių metų, diplomuotą, protingą ir vis dar mylimą to pačio nuostabaus žmogaus. Viskas susitvarkys, užaugsi dar...
Dear Stacey,
Whats it like in the future? HAHAHA oh wait im gonna know! Do you still smoke? I hope not, it sucks.Did you manage to get a career? boyfriend or husband? kids?! i cant wait to find...
Su sventom kaledom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arūnas,Audronė,Jus tinas,Brigita.