Dabar yra vienas iš tų nežavių sekmadienių, kada ramybės neduoda ,kažkas ,ko nesugebu paaiškinti.
Skaitydamas tai tu jausi šilumą ir mėgausies lietum,kurį dievinu labiausiai.
Ir jei...
Dear FutureMe,
It is currently the last week of the Summer 2020 semester as I write this. Matt and I leave for the keys on Wednesday. We recently resigned our lease for another year. I am...
Hey you,
When I was writing this letter, you just started your first day of the Day Zero project. You were very excited and motivated. The first thing you decided to cross off your list was to...
Hello future Max! It's me, Max, only five years younger! I've decided to write you today because I think it will be super cool to have some sort of commemorative time capsule for the future. Today...
Hi Dasha! Žinau, tau gal jau skamba keistokai, bet man, būnant dvylikos, visai patiko, kad mane vadina Dasha :))) Beje, šis laiškas tau - aštuoniolikto gimtadienio proga! Sveikinu save...