Шо ты голова уже играешь на электрогитаре если не то ты конкретная залупа бо отдать 13к грн и не играть это...
I would get jealous of how people don't acknowledge me for my good side and pay attention to my sister, but my love is greater than my jealousy. Who acts like a small child. I am scared that my...
Labas, Ieva po 10 metų ;D
Rašau tau iš 2011, tikiuosi laikaisi puikiai ir šypsaisi skaitydama šį laišką ;D
Beje, su gmtadieniuuu!!! Niekad nepamiršk koks gražus pasaulis ir kiek gerų...
Hi Olivia! It's me Ashton! Not from the future, or the past. I am from the present. I sent this yesterday so that I could tell a few secrets. I feel bad for telling Spencer and KK (when I still...
Sample, working ba Marble?