My favorite part of 6 grade was meeting new people because it's fun hanging out with them at school and out of school.
My friends are aiden w , kammaree , darrien , aiden b , donnie. And I like...
Dear Matt,
Well, your finally 18 (or close to 18, depending on when you read this letter). What are you gonna do? And no. I don't mean what are you gonna do with the money you got. What are...
Labas Irma,
Rašau tau iš praeities laišką. Dabar yra 2011 m. rugsėjo 24 šeštadienis. nusprendžiau iš anksto pasveikinti tave su gimtadieniu, nes kai jis ateis, greičiausiai pamiršiu :D...
Dear me
Test letter from letter2future
DRINK TO DAT, BOI. you are 21 years, go do something with your life.