Labas pačiam sau nuo pačio saves,
čia tu rašai pats sau iš praeities, lygiai prieš 4 metus (2011-10-28). Įdomu kuo tu tapai, ką veiki ir koks esi. O dabar esi vis dar neapsisprendęs...
Su gimtadieniu !!
May 28th, 2014
Dear Future Me:
I am 13 years old. I am sitting in Mrs. Warfields’ communication arts class. Its May 28th, 10:27am. Anyway, my life is, okay. I...
froom lycée sud médoc
to myself
Hello, I wish to go Londre, Spain and Maroc. I hope to...
Dear Future Bailey,
How are you?
I wonder what you're up to? Do I know in the future? It's only a month after I write this that it'll be sent to, so I wonder how much could change between now and...