Dear future me,
1. They keep saying "it gets better", I hope it gets better.
2. You're someone who cares maybe a little too much, and you have been hurt by it before. Despite that, I hope you...
Hi. This is weird. Like always. Saulė. Šalta. Spalvos. Pilka. Muzika. Nostalgija. Nuovargis. Annoyence. Pain. Emptyness. Klausimas. I'm so unsure. I want to do things right. They don't work. 5...
Dear Claire,
We are sorry for ripping your coat. We can hardly sleep at night. Its horrible so we wrote you a poem:
We ripped coat
So we left you this note
Taj Could have died
see it from...
Sveikinu su gimtadieniu!!! Linkiu daug dovanų, daug laimės, džiaugsmo ir sveikatos! Pasižadu taupyt pinigus, o ne praleist viską maisto parduotuvėse... Klausyt tėvų ir būt stipresnei (o ne...
Hey you...
This is you from 9th December 2015. I have reached an important point in my life. Im about to be 25 years old, going to be engaged to the one you love (on 20 December 2015), about...