Nu Kietasas kaip beinas ? Ir jau primusi Ramuniel?
Dear Future Self,
Hi Future Self, I hope you're doing great! I hope you're still playing soccer & are as active as you I am now. I hope you're not as stressed as I am now. Please don't trip...
I am just gonna take notes on some things that I usually think about!
Over the past few weeks, a lot of things have changed for me..
1. I've been addicted to twitter which I am going to partially...
Labas,tu dar gyvas??? Tikiuosi nesi vienišas dar ir jau turi žmoną sau po pažastimi? Linkėjimai jai ir ką aš galiu pridurti daugiau,neišduok jos tiktais. P.S. Tikiu kad tavoji yra Miglė,...
As I write this letter, I am asking for your email because I couldn't remember what it was HAHAHA you were prbbly kinda skeptical about it(you said "dafak" HHAHAH) but ofc I didn't tell you what it...